We're only ten days into the new year and it's already been filled with record breaking low temperatures, snow days which have turned into snow weeks, as well as the sudden mass exodus to the local supermarket to stock up on milk (of primary importance to ensure hot drinks can be made in order to avoid hyperthermia), bread and life's other necessities.
As exciting and rare as this weather is, not to mention easy on the eye, after four days of being indoors - Sky remote worn out from continous channel hopping and computer keyboard steaming from the amount of hours spent on Facebook - the novelty has well and truly warn off.
At first it's magical when you pull back your curtains to see a fine dosage of powdery, unspoilt wintery goodness, and the potential of making a whole snowfamily during your recently acquired time off from the office. 'Working from home' has never seemed so appealing, especially when you can go outside for a couple of hours and act like a big kid. However, when this is over, cabin fever sets in, the cold becomes unbearable and dressing up like a Michelin Man to pop out for supplies has never been so low down on your list of 'things to do in 2010'.
There are ways and means of riding out this tedious spell, without your mind going into overdrive and making you notice every little ache and pain you never knew you had. Before you've talked yourself into appendicitis and overanalysed all aspects of your life, it's time to book a holiday for some well-deserved winter sun.
I love it SP, you're a really good writer! X