I've been applying for jobs for a few weeks, and I'm not going to lie, it's tougher out there than Chisora high on post-match adrenaline. Yesterday I submitted my CV to a job that already had 80 applications, and that was only through one particular site. I have to ask myself, how am I ever going to land the dream role? Is submitting a generic application enough? Is even sending a tailored cover letter with a re-worked version of my CV going to hit the jackpot? Who knows! I can only hope. In the meantime, I've resorted to relying on karma to help me through.
By making sure I stay active in my current job, participating with enthusiasm in any extra tasks my manager throws at me, I'm hoping the laws of the universe will recognise this and reward me with atleast an interview. Of course, putting my all into applications is also of paramount significance, but by working hard where I am currently, I won't have any slackers guilt.
Fingers crossed it works......